Never Stop Surfing

We’re a small local apparel shop for those, who are surfing or not surfing.

Surfers responsibility

We as surfers we spend a little bit more time in the ocean than others, it is likely to lead us to feel a little more alerted to the conversation of the blue part of our planet.

The Wave Face adopts Minimal Packaging - we are ambitious for creating plastic-free and zero-waste packaging in the future! 

The Creator

Cathy Wrong

Artist I Surfer


"Life begins again when you start surfing! 

A Wave Face is the happiest face every surfer has when he/she is catching WAVES!" 

- Cathy Wrong

Cathy is an Artist from Hong Kong. Her art is inspired by her travels and experiences. When she is not surfing, or busy making memories with those like-minded people, she is creating artwork that inspired by those good times and brought out a stoked smile. 

For art & design work, custom artwork or other inquires please contact me at